Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sandwiches...I don't like 'em

Some people love sandwiches. I am not one of them.

I don't know why but I don't like sandwiches anymore. I don't like any kind of sandwich, even with meats or cuts I normally enjoy. Don't get me wrong, if a sandwich is presented to me, I'll eat it. However, I will not actively search to buy one for a meal.

I'm trying to figure out why I don't like them. Could it be that I ate so much of it during childhood I am sick of it? Or could it be that I had Subway sandwiches every other day during school that I no longer crave bread and meat?

I would rather eat tacos and burritos. I would rather just eat the meat by itself. I would rather eat a steak rather than a steak sandwich.

If on a menu, all other items are unappetizing, I would probably get a sandwich.

I reaffirmed my disdain for sandwiches yesterday when I purchased a pastrami sandwich.

It was blah.


Anonymous said...

Try a Panini. It's like a sandwich but concentrated. No more awkward unhinging of your jaw.

Ghonie said...

I hate Panini above all.

Anonymous said...

Hate Panini? I guess some people are dead inside.