Tuesday, October 27, 2009


My friend is an aspiring chef. On his food blog, he posts many of his accomplishments. One post dealt with making a Genoise. I too wanted to try my hand at making one. Here is the result.

Mine came out like a pancake. Perhaps it's because I used Aunt Jemima pancake mix and followed the pancake recipe but I was hoping for a miracle.

I just wanted to post my breakfast, that's all.


Anonymous said...

Impressive. Is this a 7 layer genoise with chocolate ganache filling? I suggest you add a pound of baking powder for extra leavening.

What's even more impressive is that you made breakfast. Maybe we should open a diner. I'll provide the name and you'll provide the know-how. An order of Blowout Patches with Axle Grease.

Ghonie said...

It may be because I mixed in the frostin' in the batter. I followed Fred's recipe.