Friday, October 30, 2009


How is everyone? Halloween is here but it means very little to me now. I get the day off tomorrow and I'll probably just sit around but I won't be searching for candy or brownie bricks this year.

I woke up this morning to this. This is one of the local channel news and they all dressed up as some sort of hick variant. One guy in the back though had a cool costume. He dressed up like Cobra Commander from the Cartoon series. I wish I could have taken a picture of THAT but they only showed him for a few seconds before they went back to this crap.

Anyway, I was going to write about some dream I had but I forgot it. I don't know if it was about a buffet or something shiny...sadly, these two descriptions are the only things I remember.

If i remember what happened, i'll post it.


Anonymous said...

May I pose a hypothesis as to the meaning of your dream. (This is rhetorical.)

The buffet symbolizes an unsatisfiable hunger. You keep putting things inside you but yet you feel unfulfilled.

Shiny things are phallic.

And there you go.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to comment on your great performance in the video above. The mask leaves nothing to the imagination.