Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I am intrigued by a mystery.

Someone took a bloody shit in the bathroom at work.

It was gross. I was going to post a picture of it but it's so gross, I couldn't do it. (Plus, I'm eating right now and I don't want to look at it again). I'll just describe it.

Picture in your mind's eye a toilet covered in red, viscous fluid. Some of it is dripping off the seat, little by little, bit by bit. Imagine a white tile wall befouled by dookey patches and blood. Imagine me fighting off nausea as I turn around and run out the door.

Who could have done such a thing?

It takes a lot of effort to get shit on the fucking wall. I can't imagine how you can do it. Do you just shoot your shit while standing? If you know, let me know.

In any case, in my unprofessional opinion, I think this person needs help. There is some kind of lower GI bleed going on that may be more than just hemorrhoids. Bright red blood per rectum can be a bad sign.

The question is, who is bleeding from the ass? I looked around my workplace to see who it could be. But everyone looks innocent. Who took a bloody shit? WHO???!?!

1 comment:

Dr. Watson said...

Sounds like a murder scene. Maybe a job for the Hardlee boys.

If you ask me, it's Miss Scarlett (the LVN) in the bathroom with the GI infection.