Sunday, May 15, 2005


I don't even know what to say. If Newsweek is found to be in the wrong, I will be pissed off beyond imagination. The damage these f***ers have caused cannot be quantified. The reporters and the editors should be made to go to the homes of the family members who lost a loved one due to the riots/protests.


Ghonie said...

screw that. It's all about the police state!

I worship bush and so should you!

Ghonie said...

Seriously, there is a difference between freedom of the press and getting your facts straight in a news magazine. If you argue that your publication is a means to convey "factual" information, they should have the courtesy to check their sources...especially if the article could potentially affect many individuals.

Newsweek should just report on the new Star Wars films. It would have been much easier.