Sunday, May 15, 2005

It happened again

I went to McDonald's today. Due to my financial situation, I have to resort to eating at only the most elite establishments such as this.

Me: Hi, may I have the #9 combo. It's the filet o' fish combo.

MD Guy: Coke with your meal right?

(Okay, let me explain. Apparently, around here, they don't ask you what drink you want. Instead, they tell you what i'm supposed to be drinking. Now, if they assumed Coke all the time, I could start to speculate that maybe the franchise is pushing Coke or whatever. But this McDonald's changes it up. One time they would say, "Root Beer right?" like they knew me or something. Perhaps the guy has ESP and can sense my wants and needs through the speakerbox. Not only that, this shit happens at Wendy's and at Taco Bell. I think it might be a regional thing where they force drink choices on you. Anyway, back to the story)

Me: No, I'll have the Barqs.

MD Guy: That'll be $6.50.

Me: Woah woah. No, i ordered the combo. It says here the price is $4.95.

MD Guy: *silence*

(So I drive up to the window.)

Me: I think that's the wrong price. I asked for the #9 combo.

MD Guy: Oh sorry about that. $5.25.

Me: Here you go. Thanks.

(I pick up my food at the next window. They hand me an orange drink.)

Me: Uh. I ordered Barqs.

MD Guy #2: A what?

Me: The root beer.

MD Guy #2: Oh, my bad

(I don't even mind the hip language, though I'm not "WITH IT")

MD Guy #2: Here's your meal.

Me: Thanks.

(At this point I drive off and enter the highway/fast street/pothole shit road. I open up my bag to munch on some frenchies when I find out that something smells weird. ...They gave me the fucking Quarter Pounder... I can't believe this has been happening to me ALL year long. I don't know what's happening. I'm like in some bizzaro world. I think there is only one answer. I cannot speak english)

1 comment:

Ghonie said...

yeah. I'm going to try to avoid the shitty food