Sunday, May 29, 2005

"I can't find the hole"

I went to KFC/Taco Bell to get some late lunch.

They are known to be EXTREMELY slow.

The term "Fast Food" doesn't exist around these parts. I have been spoiled early in life with prompt, friendly service from these establishments. That way, my road to obesity was also quick and painless.

And due to their predictable tardiness, I play a game where i time this Drive Through experience. You'll be happy to know that these men and women of this particular KFC did not let me down. They clocked in at 24.3 minutes. That is the time starting with ordering via the ominous "box" to getting my bag o' food.

BTW, they ALMOST got my order wrong again, but fortunately, I caught their mistake when they asked if i wanted gravy with my macaroni.

Macaroni, Mashed Potatoes. They sound the same. They both start with M. I can accept that.

This was the fastest time yet. But i must say I was visiting this establishment during 1) off hours 2) no one was in the sit down restaurant 3) no one was in the drive thru in front of me 4) and there were only 4 workers standing around doing nothing rather than the usual 6. Usually, no one is working and the lines in both the drive thru and the sit down part of the restaurant get longer than anyone can imagine. But still, it was damn "fast". Hyperbole? Hell, I wish.

Anyway, the guy was handing me my bag when I asked him for some KFC hot sauce.

The guy grabbed 5 or 6 packets and proceeded to place them in the bag. I could see, however, that he had missed the "hole" and that my packets were laying outside of the bag within moments of tumbling to the ground.

Before i could say anything, he handed me the bag by the handle, and of course, all the sauce packets fell to the floor. Then, he promptly closed the bulletproof/fu*k you window.

I tried to say, "excuse me sir" but i think that window also protects the workers from complaints.

I waited a bit to get his attention when suddenly he opened the window to give me another bag of food and drink. I believe this "set" was for the car now behind me.

I told him, "No, that's not for me. I would like some hot sauce please. The sauce you gave me fell on the floor"

The guy then gave me the fiercest look ever. It looked as though he wanted to pull out a .45 and shoot me in the head. He shook his head as though it was my fault that this a-hole couldn't get it in the hole.

As retaliation, he grabbed 32 bags of Hot sauce and slammed it into my hand (i counted them). Then he quickly closed the window again.

Wow. What an experience. I was once again entertained.

Moral of the story, "Get it in the hole or else no one will be satisfied."

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