People stink. There is no denying it. Human beings are filthy flawed creatures. We are animals. There is no denying it.
Now you're thinking, "At Church on Sunday, everyone smells so nice and they look so good. You must be wrong."
I would respond by saying, "Shut the hell up stupid. You dunt know nuthin."
If you took those same people at the so called pristine church and ripped off their facade (ie their clothing), you would see some really gross nasty things. You will see weird moles, smelly skin lesions, infections, STDs, genital hoohaws, and stained dookey underwear.
If God created man in His image...well, I won't say any more than that. I'll instead just shake my head in disbelief. The body is imperfect and there are weird crap everywhere.
Again, you don't believe me? Get a mirror and look at your hairy bunghole at the end of your work day. Tell me you're not disgusted. Then carefully look at the tiny imperfections in your skin. Do you see it? Yeah you do. And then imagine all of the other crap that's wrong with you underneath all that inside your body. Uh oh, am I turning some people into body dysmorphos? Oh well. Whatevahz.
Why am I bringing this up? Well, I have to watch people all day long. That's what I do. That's my job. I find that although many people are tolerable, many others are really really unbelievably gross.
Yesterday, I saw a woman who is "one with nature". She had really really gross feet and crap stuck in between her toes. I was really grossed out by the fungal infection and the smell. Why can't they just take a bath one in awhile? I have to look at people's feet because at Sax, I occasionally have to sell shoes like Al Bundy.
And then today, I saw a 400lb woman with nothing but a thin wispy dress with no underwear waft into my store. Hmm...maybe waft isn't the right word. Maybe I should say, thundarred into the women's section. The weird thing about this woman is that when she sat down anywhere, she would keep her legs wide open for all to see. And sadly, I was privy to her privies. What I saw next was really weird. It was white. Completely white like white chalk. And she didn't have underwear so all of that crap was rubbing off the seats. Seriuosly, what the fuck?
So in conclusion, I stink, you stink, we all stink. Let's help each other by taking a shower once a day and cleaning the toes. That's it. Good day.
I need to write about cougars. I may write about it soon. I'm writing this here so I can remind myself to write about it. Don't read this section.
1 comment:
Wow. You have such great adventures. And you're retellings are so elaborate. I can smell this entry.
And your recommendation to look at one's bunghole's is so appropriate for the manager at Armani Exchange, where your flexibility is key. And I'm not talking about work.
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