Did I take this picture? Yes. I did. It's my collection. I'm not ashamed. Lucy is an American icon.
But one thing I realized is that Hallmark is a very VERY conservative channel. I suppose it makes sense since most of the shows are from the 1940s and 1950s and shit. Back then, they didn't have them gays mucking up the good ol' days right? In any case, I realized that every other commercial on this channel was from AARP or the republican party. Also, nostalgia seems to be the theme for every damn commercial. Most commercials also had a "Made in America" angle. For example, Florida Orange Juice commercial revealed that Minute Maid orange juice imported their juice from Brazil. They also ran a bunch of commercials against universal health care. Forget the United Methodist commercial I talked about yesterday. These commercials are the worst shit ever. They had some "doctor" actor talk about some crazy ass retarded shit about medicare, England and Canada. They really love to scare old people.

And speaking of old people, I saw a 90+ year old woman try to drive her benz today. She almost caused 10 accidents in a span of 20 seconds. She was trying to drive but it looked like she couldn't see. She was squinting her eyes, leaning forward and she made erratic stops because she couldn't see if the traffic light was red, yellow or green until it was too late. She would stop in the middle of the intersection because that was how far she would have to go before she could see what color it was. The car in front of me almost crashed into her and when we passed her, she almost swerved into our lane. Hmmm...in retrospect, I think I should have called the police...I hope she didn't kill anyone today.
Someone should have told Ethel to get off the road. I wonder if she was "speeding" (going 30 feels like 100) to get home and watch Hallmark channel.
BTW. The channel did a promo with something starring Rosie O'Donnell. How is that conservative?
I saw that too. I thought it was weird that queen of castro could make it on there...
It's 2015 and I have just discovered this site. I must say that the idiot(s) that write and maintain this site are truly out of touch with humans of ANY kind. I can see why they don't have a real job.
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