We have several In-N-Outs in the area but the demand far exceeds supply in this town. I feel like EVERYONE eats in-n-out everyday. I don't deny they are tasty and I love the fries too but I don't go there everyday, sheesh....I just go every other day.

Yesterday, the In-N-Out drive thru line was so long and filled with so many cars, I thought I was seeing a traffic jam on an LA freeway. There had to be at least 100 cars lined up. That is no hyperbole. It was never ending. The parking lot that the In-N-Out is located in serves as parking spaces for the mall. Fuck the mall. The entire place should be In-N-Out only parking. There were three In-N-Out employees outside in the parking lot taking orders. It was the only way they could keep things civil. People were shouting and yelling at each other saying that they were first. When the employees took the order, you had to stay in that order lest your food get mixed with the asshole you were fighting with.
You may ask, why didn't you go to another In-N-Out? Well, they're all this way in this town. Dinner time = In-N-Out time. You may then ask, "why not try another establishment?". I would answer, no. When I have my heart set on something, I have to have it.
So anyway, it took an hour to get my food. Was it worth it? Yeah it was.
BTW, I don't undertstand the criticism dished out by those who do not enjoy In-N-Out fries. What more do you want? These things are basically potatoes that are cut fresh and then fried. That's it. They don't put any other shit in there. What more can you want? Perhaps people enjoy the frozen flavor of other fries at other restaurants?
I like In-N-Out fries. And they actually hold up longer than frozen fries.
And why don't you just walk into the restaurant. Are you embarrassed by your street walker wear. Or is it drive-in only.
There are no parking spaces. And if i go inside, the line is just as long. It's a no win situation, like the Kobayashi Maru.
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