Sunday, April 26, 2009

2009: Year of Transitions

This year has been very interesting. Everyone I know is going through some big change. I am moving and starting a new job. My cousin is getting married. My other cousin is starting college. A friend is on the other side of the world. My sister may be starting a new job. All of these changes are exciting...

Actually, I wouldn't call these changes exciting.

I would call them frightening.

I don't like change. I thought I liked change but I realized a short while ago that change is annoying. Change can sometimes mean that you need to confront the unknown and I think most people will agree that the unknown is scary. Most people turn to religion to comfort them. I have to rely on reality.

Anyway, I'm stressed out. I have so much shit to do and so little time. Where is Evie when you really need her?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Evie is inside you. Set her free. Touch your thighs together and see the magic that awaits.