Monday, December 07, 2009


Well, another work week starts.

I have been working everyday since Sunday of last week. I really really really need a day off.

Working 13 days in a row taxes the soul. You're probably saying, "But you have no soul."


Working that hard hurts my brain though.

It's christmas time and I should be happier. And I am happy because my 7 day vacation is coming up. I get christmas off!! AND new years!! I am really excited. I get to be home doing nothing on those days. I may even be able to watch some marathon. Hopefully, it will be lucy.


Anonymous said...

I remember the commercial for the Soul. It was weird. They showed gerbils/hamsters driving it. Was it a Richard Gere reference?

Ghonie said...

that's an urban myth

Anonymous said...

So gerbils don't drive cars. Korean cars.