Thursday, June 02, 2005

Ferrari And Me

I drove to my local Target today and lo and behold, the ferrari that i mentioned before in my previous post drove past me.

I could finally put a face on this particular Target red ferrari.

The man driving it is in his mid 40s. He's a slightly balding caucasian male with an attitude.

Why am I writing about this banal incident?

Well, when i got out of my car, he was passing by me with his red spectacle. But curiously, he was glaring at me. I did not know this man so I thought nothing of it.

But then, he drove around and then passed me again. And again he stared at me.

I continued to walk the lonely walk toward the Target entrance.

The man kept circling the parking lot but he continued to pass me while staring.

He did this 7 times.

This was really strange. "Have I done something wrong?" I thought. "Did I do something to offend him or oppress him somehow? Did I wrong him in a previous life? Did I kill his son in battle, God forbid?"

Then I thought, maybe I stole his parking space.

I think that was it.

You see, this parking structure has numbered spaces so it's easy to remember what your favorite spot may be. I have seen him park his ferrari near where I had parked my car today. Maybe it was his special space. Of course, he usually takes 2 spaces but that's beside the point.

He finally parked at another remote corner of the parking lot where no cars were around it.

What an eccentric guy. I hope I become just like him.

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