Monday, December 21, 2009
Xmas this week
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Scared about raising a child? Don't be.
I have seen and I have met people/kids that are dumber than a sack of rotting potatoes raise kids. Sure, the kids turn out dumber than a smaller sack of rotting potatoes but they live and grow and become burdens to society in no time.
Yesterday, I met a couple having their second child in 21 months. The woman/girl was 20 years old. The guy, about the same age, was sitting next to her without a care in the world. He didn't give a shit about anything. He cared not that the girl had serious heart problems. He cared not that they were below the poverty line because none of them worked. They were having kids because they had sex a bunch of times and now this thing was growing inside a belly. As soon as that belly is opened up with a knife a second time, I'm sure a third will be brought into the world. And then another. And another...
I asked him if they would consider using contraceptives in the future because the girl could die soon if they kept at this pace. The girl's heart was failing. In fact, she may die giving birth to this fetus (and the fetus would probably die too). They told me that they're Catholic and that they have morals about stuff like that and wouldn't consider it.
He said they'll raise kids "right" and "s'all good". Fucking fantastic.
See how simple it is? It is all good. These mature kids are having kids and having a good time. This optimistic story should strike any doubt from your heart when it comes to your ability to raise a child in this world. They're doing it and so can you.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Exploring the unknown

I spend most of my day telling people what to do. I don't do it because I love controlling people. It's my job. Today, I told someone that they need to change their diet dramatically. In fact, I told them they need to cut out a big part of their diet. I told them to stop eating meat.
After this encounter, I thought to myself, "would I be able to do this?"
I don't have an answer. I don't know if I could become a vegetarian. I really love beef. I eat beef every other day. If i don't eat it, i get a headache and I crave it. Then I eat it. That is the cycle of my life.
So if someone told me that I could never eat meat, I don't know if I could survive. Perhaps there are manuals out there where it tells people how to wean themselves off of the sweet sweet deliciousness of burnt animal flesh.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Happy Xmas

Actually, we have a lot of family coming over and I do my best to make the gathering an enjoyable experience. One way of doing that is to eat and drink quality goods. Dom and Blue Label should suffice for this year. Sweeeeeeet
On another note, I have finished my Christmas shopping. I hope people enjoy their gifts.
UPDATE: Lest you think I'm Mr. Banks, let me make it clear. It is rare for my family to have so many relatives visit us during the holidays. As a special celebration, we are going all out. That is the reason for the extravaganza and the flowing of rare whiskeys.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Droid wha?, Google, Nexus yeah!

But now I'm excited.
Nexus 1 is coming soon and it's a phone designed by Google, made by HTC. Now THAT is something that interests me. Android has a lot of potential. I see a future where all of the google applications online (including google translate, google maps, google chat, google docs, etc) are integrated into the android and available 24/7 on the phone. Can you imagine being able to access translation tool on the fly integrated with google voice/google ap? Holy shit, now that is amazing.

Seriously. This is great news. This is the game changer that everyone has been waiting for.
If google does another one of those exclusive deal bull shit with a particular carrier however, I will be disappointed. But if the prelim plans that are leaked on the web are true, I may be sporting an android phone come end of next year.
And because this phone is GSM, the google phone can be sold all around the world at launch. Fucking amazing. I still don't think this phone will topple iphone's dominance but I think it will make Apple take notice finally. All of these other supposed "iphone killers" were absolutely retarded. Nothing can touch the Iphone right now. Even the haters know this deep inside. But with the Nexus, things may finally change.
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Today was the first day in 6 months I have had the opportunity to sleep more than 8 hours. It was great. I woke up at 2 pm today.
I wish I could sleep in every day. It is a good feeling. Sure, most of the day is gone but who cares! You get to sleep.
I woke up and went to the local Starbucks. Even on this gloomy day, I ordered an ice coffee. But they messed up my coffee by putting sugar in it. Why must everything in this world try my patience?
Now I'm eating my Asian Seafood pancake. It's pretty tasty. I'm very happy that I get the weekend off. I feel like I'm on vacation.
Friday, December 11, 2009

Penny Arcade is having their yearly Dickerdoodle contest. Take a look and submit your pics to them today!
I'm looking at you Anonymous. Go bake some of that Dickerdoodle. And they love the bucookie.

The last few days have been hectic. I certainly did not plan them to be hectic but it turned out that way. Weird life lessons were learned and disappointments were experienced. I just wanted to start the holiday season.
I still have NO presents for any one. This is a problem. I was thinking about hiring someone to buy my gifts. But that would cost extra money.
Today is Friday and I plan to relax a little bit. Tomorrow morning, I'll be driving home (hopefully I can get through the snow/rain storm expected). I was going to drive tonight but it might be dangerous. I also didn't want to get stuck in the mountains in the middle of the night.
On a more positive note, I was able to get an extension for turning in my proof of donation to the state. Now I have until end of Jan. Huzzay.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
confused 2
Money? Prestige? Intellectual satisfaction? I just don't know.
I am thankful that I have the opportunity to experience what I'm experiencing. However, satisfaction is something totally different.
If you ask me right now, "Are you satisfied with your life?" I would answer, "no."
So how do I turn that "no" into a "yes"? Well, if you find an answer, please let me know.
And what is the deal with life being complicated?
It was easier earlier in life when people told you what to do. Now, I dictate the course of life...which is frustrating and confusing.
So far, I've been taking things day by day. It allows me to survive but my long term goals are still unclear. Where should I go? What should I do? I thought going into this profession would resolve some of those answers but it has not. (Surprise surprise).
Ugh, time to work. I will continue my thoughts tomorrow.
Monday, December 07, 2009

Well, another work week starts.
I have been working everyday since Sunday of last week. I really really really need a day off.
Working 13 days in a row taxes the soul. You're probably saying, "But you have no soul."
Working that hard hurts my brain though.
It's christmas time and I should be happier. And I am happy because my 7 day vacation is coming up. I get christmas off!! AND new years!! I am really excited. I get to be home doing nothing on those days. I may even be able to watch some marathon. Hopefully, it will be lucy.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
It's the same ol' story. Some dumbass drank too much hard liquor in a short amount of time. The fucker passes out and almost dies.
I am exhausted. I have not slept in 36 hours. My eyes hurt. My whole body aches. I'm starving.
And guess what, I get to work again tomorrow.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Friday, December 04, 2009
So close
After that, I can begin to enjoy some of the holiday festivities. I hope I will survive without too much psychological damage.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
I have eaten at a 3 star Michelin restaurant
Rule of Gifts

Anonymous wrote that for xmas, I should give out money.
It's funny how gift cards are considered acceptable gift items but people avoid giving real money as a gift.
I will not be giving money for xmas. For my friends, I try to give them things that they probably wouldn't buy for themselves but they would get a kick out of it for a few minutes after they open the gift on xmas day.
I thought I had xmas gifts ready to go but plans fell through. So I'm back at the drawing board.
I'm running out of time. Maybe I should just give some pencils or something.
Monday, November 30, 2009
It was a better day
Man, it's hard being a personal shopper.
In other news, I am now at a loss with regards to xmas gifts. I don't roll around in diamonds like those scientists so my budget is pretty limited. What does everyone want this year?
Does anyone want this?
How about this?
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Everything went wrong
Everything that could have gone wrong went wrong today. I don't know how or why it turned out this way but it happened.
Plus, the only thing i ate all day was one donut. I worked from 6 am to 6 pm having eaten only one donut at 5:40 am. I'm exhausted beyond comprehension.
I hoping for a better day tomorrow.
7 more days....
It's Sunday again
But before this nightmare ends, the last two days of this damn endeavor will be extremely painful. If it's just painful, I'll be happy. But if my shitty luck holds, it will probably psychologically horrifying too.
Oh well. Happy Sunday to everyone else.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
H1N1 and why dumb people are saving lives

There is a lot of talk about H1N1. Actually, there was a lot of talk.
The vaccine issue and whether or not people should get the damn thing is confusing some people.
I heard some nurses the other day saying that they do not want to get it. But of course, they got the seasonal flu. This Boggles and Yahtzees the mind because it's basically the same fucking thing. If the h1n1 was developed in time, they would have integrated it into the seasonal flu shot anyway.
In any case, I'm happy that people are refusing or declining the shot. That means that my family and I can get the shot since more will be available. If people who didn't get the shot and go into respiratory failure and die, sucks to be you.
I have decided that I will no longer aggressively endorse vaccines. I am not in the business of saving people's lives. I'm in the business of saving my peoples. So sucks to everyone else's assmar.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, it doesn't affect you.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I'm headed to work
"You look like a sad clown hooker"
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Food Culture

Recently, I came across an interesting article regarding one southeast asian people's take on another southeast asian dish.
"Food is the biggest problem for the Chinese tourists, who usually complain that Korean food is not fatty enough for them. "
I found this interesting. I have never heard anyone complain that their food is NOT fatty. I have heard people complain about a particular food being too fatty, too spicy, too salty, etc but never this...
Monday, November 23, 2009
Gobble Gobble

I used to love Thanksgiving. It was one of my favorite Holidays. However, in the last few years, I have not been able to celebrate with family.
I am either working that day or flying somewhere. Last year, I spent Thanksgiving at the airport and in the air. This year, I will be at work.
So once again, I will miss Thanksgiving. I envy those of you who will be eating Thanksgiving turkey or steak with your respective families. I wish I could be home that day, watching the parade and eating food all day. Sigh....
I look forward to the day when I can take back Thanksgiving again.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Horoscopes are bogus
You're having too much fun to believe your luck! It's one of those days when you can tell that you're in the middle of something pretty big, but others might not yet share your trust in fate.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Glee: Brad
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
4 Random Encounters of the Day

Mysterious Stranger

Friday, November 13, 2009

I have many bosses. There is one particular boss who is liked by everyone because he's a really decent and nice guy. He is courteous to everyone and extremely professional.
I found out today that this guy is actually a girl.
I kept referring to him to my other mid level bosses and they were confused. They never knew the person I was referring to. After some time, another person said, "dude, he's a she!"
Now, after speaking with some people, I found that I'm not the only person who thought this lady was a guy. Everyone that met her for the first time thought she was a guy. She is a bit zaftig and I just thought that he/she had gynecomastia. The voice is "neutral" in the sense that you couldn't tell on the phone whether it was a man or a woman. Her hair cut is short and manly. Everything suggested that this woman was a man.
Today, I was reminded of the adage, "Don't judge a book by it's cover." Actually, I would say that don't assume a person is a particular gender until you check the chromosome.
Tomorrow I get to sleep in, which means I don't have to wake up at 5am!!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wheel Chair Glee

So I watched the new episode of Glee and I thought it was pretty good.
I liked it because the wheelchair kid is kind of a dick with a chip on his shoulder. I liked it because he defies the Hollywood-stereotypical handicapable archetype aka unrealistic idealistic saint in a chair.
I'm glad that Artie ditched the azn girl.
Oh and I thought that Rachel won that diva off. Even if Kurt sang perfectly at the end, he still can't match the powerhouse that is the Rachel character. Damn she's good.
The next episode looks good too. I hope they start singing other musicals.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I am intrigued by a mystery.
Someone took a bloody shit in the bathroom at work.
It was gross. I was going to post a picture of it but it's so gross, I couldn't do it. (Plus, I'm eating right now and I don't want to look at it again). I'll just describe it.
Picture in your mind's eye a toilet covered in red, viscous fluid. Some of it is dripping off the seat, little by little, bit by bit. Imagine a white tile wall befouled by dookey patches and blood. Imagine me fighting off nausea as I turn around and run out the door.
Who could have done such a thing?
It takes a lot of effort to get shit on the fucking wall. I can't imagine how you can do it. Do you just shoot your shit while standing? If you know, let me know.
In any case, in my unprofessional opinion, I think this person needs help. There is some kind of lower GI bleed going on that may be more than just hemorrhoids. Bright red blood per rectum can be a bad sign.
The question is, who is bleeding from the ass? I looked around my workplace to see who it could be. But everyone looks innocent. Who took a bloody shit? WHO???!?!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I survived without getting totally killed. But tomorrow is another day So let's break this shit down.
I woke up Monday at 7 am. Started work at 4:30 pm and worked till 5:00 pm today. And I start work tomorrow at 6:00 am.
You're probably wondering, "are you a fisherman?" No I'm not.
Like I said, being a sales associate is tough work.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Ruining the fucking day
I think I would be happy if I knew when my next FULL day off is. I don't even know. Goddamn this schedule is too hard to comprehend. I'm pissed.
Tomorrow morning, you may not see a post from me. The reason being I'm probably working in the wee hours until the afternoon. I hope to be back in my $100 bed tomorrow night. Please, let this be somewhat painless! Pray to the gods for me.
I hate it when people give you margarine although you asked for butter.
It's another one of my pet peeves. They are NOT the same thing people!
First of all, they taste differently.
And second...well, do I even need to go on? They don't taste the same!
I always have to ask, "Can I have butter not margarine?" Only then will I get the appropriate condiment for my buttermilk biscuits. The chemical make up is different. My body reacts differently to these materials.
Perhaps I'm stuttering? But these two words do not sound remotely the same! Do I have a thick accent that I am not aware of? I ask my culinary friend, are they the same? Can you substitute one for the other easily during gourmet cookoffs?
Why do they torture me so! Give me my BUTTER!
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Glee OST: Addendum
Don't Stop Believin'
Take A Bow
No Air
Keep Holding On
Defying Gravity
Halo & Walking on Sunshine
It's My Life & Confessions
Friday, November 06, 2009
Friday Mashup

I hate it when they give you a ton of work on Friday. To the people giving out work, do YOU want extra work on Friday? Fuck you assholes!!!!!
In any case, I just thought I would mention something again. I think I posted it before but here is a rant:
Right turn has the right of way if the person making the U turn is attempting to turn without a protected left signal. So FUCK YOU to the guy who tried to cut me off. Fucking retards.
These cocksuckers need to get a ticket. Why do I get a ticket? I don't deserve one. I'm trying to help society. But these assholes don't deserve it. Yeah, that's right.
Changing subjects.

Why does Sony suck so much these days? PSPGo was launched in NA a month ago and in Japan recently and news ain't so good. The machine just sucks. It restricts players even more and it's more expensive. WTF? Haven't they learned from the Atrac3 debacle? Why do they continue to make Jesus cry? Does Sony make any good products any more? I mean, their music players are a joke now, the TV's are mediocre and not so amazing for the price, the computers are no better than the competition and their phones suck ass.
I wrote a more extensive rant a year ago (that's right) but I never posted it. It was after I visited the Sony tour in Manhattan. Maybe when I finish that, I can post it someday. But in short, Sony is mediocre at best these days and is not getting any better. Everyone buys Ipods, Samsung pwns tvs, good computers are made by several companies and iphone is king.
I write about Sony because I used to be a Sony whore. I'll admit it. I was the equivalent to MacFags of today except I loved Sony products (which is better than being a MacFag IMO). They made quality products that were innovative. Now....they're just...blah. I own a Sony TV lcd and I only bought it because I couldn't afford the Samsung equivalent. You believe that shit? 10 years ago, I wouldn't touch Samsung with a 10 foot pole. Now, Samsung TVs are premium brand and shit.
Long story short: Sony, you suck.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Glee OST: Review

It's good. I don't know why. These are all remixes but most of the songs on the list are pretty good.
I am not ashamed to say that it's the CD of choice in my car right now.
But here's what sucks dick. I hate it when these supposed collections leave out a huge list of musical numbers in the show worthy of CD treatment. When am I going to get the rest? Will I even hear the rest? All I could say is, BOOOOOOOO. Give me perfection!
I hope that "Volume 1" doesn't mean this is it for Season 1. I'm hoping "Volume 2" will make up the rest instead of Volume 2 being music from only Season 2, etc. Just give us the full compliation assholes! There are approx 16 other numbers that are missing!
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Child Abuse
These fucking morons.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find someone with dermatographia so I can write Bible verses. It would be a counter-miracle.
I think I'll be seeing a lot of people in hell when I die. These parents are going straight to the hot place.
V: The review

I watched the new V and I give the pilot a 7 out of 10. It was decent, but most of the "big reveals" have been done before and they're nothing new.
The other reason why I gave it a mediocre score is because none of my "list" suggestions were in the pilot. There is, of course, potential to see them in the future but for now, they had nothing.
1. No sparkles...yet
2. No nude body suits...although i imagine Lisa will get as naked as possible without breaking censorship laws.
3. Michael Ironside is nowhere to be found
4. No alien weapons yet.
5. No alien baby coming out of cooch
6. No mexican guy whose father fought with Zapata.
7. No medical students
8. No grandma
9. No paprika
10. Anna didn't eat anything....yet
11. No SHADES!!
I thought out of the entire list, we were going to see some crazy shades but alas, nothing. Oh well, there is always next episode.

I think the show needs a true badass. Morris Chestnut is okay but every time I see him on screen, I'm reminded of Under Siege 2. And Scott Wolf is too boy bandish. We need a tough as nails badass that is feared by the Visitors.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009

This blog has served as a means to vent, rant and rave without getting me fired, killed, lynched in real life. Historically, this blog had maybe two or three readers at most. Back in the day before my long hiatus (which I may talk about in a future post), I had about 4-5 readers. 4 of them were friends, the one reader from Indonesia was an unknown.
I only made this blog public because I wanted to rant and rave to friends that were very far away. It allowed me to write at any time of day and it allowed my friends to read it whenever they had time. I could call them and talk about this stuff but that would mean figuring out when to call, etc which is an annoyance i didn't and don't need. Google blogger was simple and effective and can be accessed without hassle. All I have to is write. I didn't have to manage.
Now that I have been writing again more frequently, I noticed a returning visitor. The tracking/spying devices do not give enough specifics to figure out who it may be. Honestly, I don't really care who it is. However, I have one question though. Why would you read this blog?
This blog isn't about anything. It serves no real purpose outside of my friend circle. So I wonder, why waste time here? I read my friend's blogs because I am interested in how they are doing. However, I don't randomly read strangers blogs daily unless they provide some sort of purpose like daily food recipes etc. So that's why I'm curious.
Or perhaps I'm out of touch with the modern age? Is voyeurism part of the cultural zeitgeist at large?
End of Days

The end of the week marks the end of my "relaxed" ways, as I dive back into the trenches of ugly work. I am not looking forward to it and I'm feeling a bit blue.
I really don't enjoy what I'm doing right now because it's really tiring.
I realized I haven't found the happiness that would sustain me throughout my life. Perhaps I need to get married. Perhaps I need this or that. The problem with these supposed solutions is that they could backfire big time.
I don't need more responsibilities. I don't like responsibilities period. I don't know why I went into a profession with so many fucking responsibilities.
The people who give me "advice" about solutions for life (marriage, house, car, career, etc) never talk about money required to sustain those things.
Money is a weird thing. As you acquire more and more of it, you require more and more. This shouldn't be the case.
I was talking to my friend the other day about people surviving on $16,000 US dollars a year. They are below the poverty line but they get by. I make about twice that but I'm having trouble having any money left over by the end of the month.
Why is that? Well, it turns out my monthly bills come out to about 1500 dollars. I live in a modest unfurnished apt and I have a computer. I have to drive in cali so I have a Honda Fit. Food, gas, and loan payments suck out the rest.
I don't know how others do it. I don't know how they get by and I can't. All of my colleagues are in similar situations and yet they can party all day and night. Next year, I may have to do what I was thinking about doing, which is to move back in with my parents.
I found that if I move back, I would be saving about $14,000 a year. I don't mind going home. I don't fight with my parents. I get free lodging and mooch off the food. With the money saved, I could start paying off more of my student loans. At this point, I see no other option. I need to take any and every advantage I could find.
So come July of next year, I'll be living with parents and throwing parties every other night. Rock on.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Why am I never asked?

They made a crucial mistake in not asking me. I don't know how long the series will run but there is still time to incorporate my list.
Here is my list of memorable V moments:
1. Sparkling Deus Ex Machina Doomsday ending (totally crazy ridiculous but it's the easiest ending they could find)
2. Semi nude body suits that everyone got when they were frozen for food processing. It was the closest thing to nudity on prime time in that era so it was huge.

3. Michael Ironside. He is the badass. I personally think that he could return.
4. The holding the shoulder while firing the laser pistol pose that every alien AND Marc Singer did in the series.
5. The reptile baby crawling out of the human teen slut's cooch
6. The mexican dude eating a raw onion.
7. The medical students licking the boots of the traitor
8. The grandma who is too much of a diva for her own good
9. Paprika of death
Seriously, you have to watch this video.
10. Diana eating live hamsters, mice, birds, etc.


I'm curious about the new "V". From the trailers, it looks like they are going to take over earth with sexiness as their weapon. And we know where sexiness leads to...interspecies breeding.

The alien baby will come out of the womb and stick the nasty ass tongue out like in the original series. And the vag juices will be green. Gross. And I thought human births were nasty.

The weapons of the original V were really cool...especially the pistols.
I don't count the "second season" because I really think the series ended with "The Final Battle" along with the biggest deus ex machina in TV history. A halfbreed girl uses sparkle power to stop the doomsday device? Oh come now...
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Happy Xoliday

I went to a wedding several years ago I thought someone gave a perfect gift. I hope that I too may be able to give such a thoughtful gift someday.
That gift was a gift of prayer.
It's so simple yet worth a trillion dollars more than whatever you were going to purchase for this holiday of the Sun. Alas, because I follow the pagan ways, prayer as a gift option is out of the question.
However, I can do the next best thing. I can make a donation to a worthy charity in your name!
I don't know why I didn't think of this before. Do you really need me to give you a Nespresso Machine for your home? Or would you rather have me help a noble cause in your name?

What's that? Oh, you want me to give the donation in your name? Okay, that's what I'll do.
I am sending a generous contribution of $410 to the State of California and the California Highway Patrol. As you know, the state is in financial crisis and is close to bankruptcy. All socialist programs like public schools, fire dept, police, subsidized higher education, etc are in danger of shutting down permanently. I don't want to see that happen so I will contribute a chunk of my salary to help all of those people.
Done and Done!