Actually, we have a lot of family coming over and I do my best to make the gathering an enjoyable experience. One way of doing that is to eat and drink quality goods. Dom and Blue Label should suffice for this year. Sweeeeeeet
On another note, I have finished my Christmas shopping. I hope people enjoy their gifts.
UPDATE: Lest you think I'm Mr. Banks, let me make it clear. It is rare for my family to have so many relatives visit us during the holidays. As a special celebration, we are going all out. That is the reason for the extravaganza and the flowing of rare whiskeys.
Wow, you guys are moving on up from Oreo Shakes and Brita Water. Am I invited to the festivities . . . because I'm already outside your door. Don't ignore my ring, I can see inside your window. And your dog is barking.
You may come, however, you don't drink. So these particular drinks mean nothing right?
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