I have seen and I have met people/kids that are dumber than a sack of rotting potatoes raise kids. Sure, the kids turn out dumber than a smaller sack of rotting potatoes but they live and grow and become burdens to society in no time.
Yesterday, I met a couple having their second child in 21 months. The woman/girl was 20 years old. The guy, about the same age, was sitting next to her without a care in the world. He didn't give a shit about anything. He cared not that the girl had serious heart problems. He cared not that they were below the poverty line because none of them worked. They were having kids because they had sex a bunch of times and now this thing was growing inside a belly. As soon as that belly is opened up with a knife a second time, I'm sure a third will be brought into the world. And then another. And another...
I asked him if they would consider using contraceptives in the future because the girl could die soon if they kept at this pace. The girl's heart was failing. In fact, she may die giving birth to this fetus (and the fetus would probably die too). They told me that they're Catholic and that they have morals about stuff like that and wouldn't consider it.
He said they'll raise kids "right" and "s'all good". Fucking fantastic.
See how simple it is? It is all good. These mature kids are having kids and having a good time. This optimistic story should strike any doubt from your heart when it comes to your ability to raise a child in this world. They're doing it and so can you.
1 comment:
What is this obsession with potatoes?
I see your point though. Babies having babies. The irony -- when you finally are mentally fit to have a baby, your body is too old. Either there are fertility issues or increased odds of a high-risk pregnancy.
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