There is a lot of talk about H1N1. Actually, there was a lot of talk.
The vaccine issue and whether or not people should get the damn thing is confusing some people.
I heard some nurses the other day saying that they do not want to get it. But of course, they got the seasonal flu. This Boggles and Yahtzees the mind because it's basically the same fucking thing. If the h1n1 was developed in time, they would have integrated it into the seasonal flu shot anyway.
In any case, I'm happy that people are refusing or declining the shot. That means that my family and I can get the shot since more will be available. If people who didn't get the shot and go into respiratory failure and die, sucks to be you.
I have decided that I will no longer aggressively endorse vaccines. I am not in the business of saving people's lives. I'm in the business of saving my peoples. So sucks to everyone else's assmar.
Since when did Armani Exchange have flu clinics?
employee health
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