Monday, February 06, 2006

Food Review

So, I went to trader joe's to buy some un-PETA-like caged chicken eggs for the week when I had the opportunity to taste some soy "milk".

Let us get something straight. I am no hippie. Other than my strict diet of organic vegetables, meats, and fruits, and my boycott of all things made by "the man" I find myself living the average mid-western joe's life. (Oh yeah, and I don't wear anything made by child/slave labor so I wear all things hemp)

In any case, I tasted Trader Joe's Organic Vanilla Soy milk. It was delicious. I haven't had soy milk in a long long time and this really brought back some memories.

You see, back in the way, my family couldn't afford cow's milk, for it was a luxury. Back then, the only "milk" we had came in powder form. And occasionally, the powder was of soy origin.

I became hooked immediately and bought two gallons of soy milk to drink for the week. In fact, I'm drinking some as I write this.

The moral of this blog entry is this: Go buy some Trader Joe's Organic Vanilla Soy's Soy-tastic!

(This sight has no affliation with Trader Joe's...though if you'd like me to do some so-called guerilla marketing, I'm open to anything)

1 comment:

Ghonie said...

I am NOT like John. I don't go around telling people to save the earth. I only threaten them with a biodegradable knife.