You know what this is like? This is like old people trying act young and cool. They're so desperate to fit in that it makes them even more old and retarded. This is the same shit they pulled during the campaign and they're continuing to do it now. After the campaign, the old moth ball smelling white men said they need to work on becoming relevant again in this modern era. This is their strategy? Are they kidding me? Did they find this solution by searching through Compuserve messageboards? Or are they still using Prodigy? Next thing you know, their new spokesman will be Milli Vanilli. They're still relevant right?

And these fuckers learned nothing from the election. The republican senators STILL want to continue the failed Bush policies. They feel the new administration's economic policies are unacceptable. REALLY? Are they fucking serious? What's the alternative? Continue THEIR failed policies until the United States fails as a nation? The economy is in great shape now right? The republican economic policies really worked. The job market is great and the unemployment rate is really really low right? Did they not listen to their economic guru Greenspan?

I have a solution for Republicans. STOP ELECTING THE SAME OLD WHITE RETARDS INTO THE SENATE. Get people into those posts that understand how the world operates in the modern era. The representatives that are in the senate are still stuck in the 1930s...or what they call the "good ol' days". There needs to be a term limit on these fucktards.

1 comment:
I would say give government to the young people if there were some good leaders available. Right now, there are no Republican "stars" to worship as the new Reagan.
All we have is an Indian from Lousiana and a spitfire from Alaska.
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