Saturday, January 14, 2006

Adventures in Garden State

I needed to visit good ol' state of New Jersey to purchase some goods.

The road to Jersey is a beautiful one. The highway cuts through a great forest and the view on both sides of the highway is incredible. It feels surreal driving alone during the day and I often open all my windows to breathe in the fresh air and become one with nature.

I feel like I'm experiencing a Walt Whitman poem in real life...without the homosexuality.

I'm enjoying the air flowing through my long brown hair when I happen to catch the speedometer.

100 mph.

SHIT! I start to look around and see that there are no cops or cars. Whew! I decide that I'll drive slower. I start to reduce my speed.

I wonder about the speed limit in this area when I finally see the speed limit sign in the distance.

45 mph.

I was driving 55 miles per hour over the speed limit. Granted, I was over the limit for only a short while but I was going WAY too fast. I reduce my speed to 55 and lock in the cruise control. I do NOT want to get a speeding ticket like Jeff and waste a day at some Godforsaken traffic school.

A few miles later, I see a hidden highway patrol police officer.


He would have fucked me up for sho'.

A few miles later, I see two more cops.

Woah. They're ready to kick some ass.

Suddenly, I see another car rush past me at incredible speed. I think to myself, he's fucked.

Sure enough, the cops turns on the siren and a chase begins. I see the cars pull over after a couple of miles. BUSTED!!

~~to be continued~~

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