Sunday, December 04, 2005


So it begins again, or shall I say here it ends...

Another year ends and snow season begins. I woke up to sounds of plows and ruckus. I could hear metal plows scraping the asphault and concrete push away mounds of snow.

I find this time of year the best time for introspection.

Winter reminds me of time that has passed....which reminds me how little time there is left.

What a grim outlook.

I found out recently that my personality is INFP. This is news to me.

I have always thought I was a "calculating" individual but alas, the "intuition" score was off the charts. I hate these standardized tests. Like many tests before (School entrance exams, IQ exams, SATs, etc.), I am placed neatly into a stereotype and it dictates what I'm "supposed" to be. Fuck you Carl Jung.

The personality test also told me another thing.

I'm in the wrong profession.

Damn it, my mother was right.

My mother's side has a tradition of developing artistic individuals. My grandmother is a writer. My uncle was a poet. My mother and my aunts are artists.

I feel like Marisa Tome in My Cousin Vinny. She too should have been a mechanic instead of what she eventually had out of work hairdresser.

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