Saturday, August 27, 2005

Woes of a SUV owner

I was watching news today when I saw a woman complaining about how she has to cut back on food purchases and other purchases for her children because she had to pay $50 filling up her SUV. She didn't understand what was going on with the economy.

I laughed.

First of all, the woman spent $40,000 on her fancy new 2005 SUV.

Second, the woman bought a SUV.

Third, if she had purchased a cheaper car with better gas mileage, she could have given her children more and paid less overall in gas.

So I laughed. I have no sympathy for these people. Let them suffer. And let their children suffer. That's the only way people will learn....through the suffering of children.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problems with people purchasing $100,000 cars burning gas everywhere. I have no problem destroying the environment. I have no problem with 5 mpg Hummers. But when these owners start complaining about gas prices and the cost of living, I start to laugh.

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