Hulu is pretty good. I like the fact that we have access to full episodes of many tv shows and I don't even mind the intermittent commercials. I recognize the need for revenue and I think the 15-30 second interruptions are reasonable.
However, hulu, as well as other sites dedicated to specific shows are doing something that really annoys the shit out of me. They are pulling full episodes after a certain amount of time and they only keep around the recent 3-5 episodes. I believe this is a mistake.
The great aspect of these online video sites is that we, the consumer, have the ability to watch episodes whenever we want. However, when they pull the episode, we're back to the situation where the consumer has no legitimate way of watching the episode until the iTunes video, DVD or Bluray comes out. So, in the interim, how can we watch the videos?
We pirate it. That's how.
So here are my suggestions:
1) Keep the fucking episodes online until the day before the iTunes/DVD/Bluray comes out. That way, the consumer has, at all times, an option to enjoy your product legitimately.
2) Stop increasing the commercial length. As soon as these "tolerable" commercials begin to annoy, pirating will be the option once again.
3) Stop fucking us over.
I like the option of watching a full commercial before the content rather than having them dispersed throughout. And did you notice how TV stations are starting to air commercials for Hulu? Do you smell the irony?
Oh. And did you watch "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" starring Neil Patrick Harris yet? It's excellent.
But you don't have to take my word for it.
And when did Hulu start effen you? Are you guys dating?
Anonymouse 1: Dr. Horrible is old...like a year old. Get with the program.
Anonymous 2: a few months ago. and Yes.
Regarding the first part of your response: Must you start every conversation with some sort of "I already knew that" statement. I know you answer is "Yes."
Regarding the second part: I knew it
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