There is an art to ditching work. What separates a ninja from a n00b is the attention to detail. For example, if you're coming in to work late and you're about to sign in, you should already be in work clothes instead of having all of your crap that you brought from home in your hand or on your body. Your coat, your bags, and shit should be safely stowed in a discrete location so you can blend in with the environment. You don't want to show everyone that you just came into work. You want to make it seem like you've been there all along.

This kind of detail seems like common sense but some people forget about these things and get busted.
I consider myself a pretty decent ninja. I like the challenge of getting away with things that you're not supposed to get away with. By myself, I could probably leave for 8 hours and still get credit for it. I also have some experience in ninja-like behavior since I used to engage in petty theft back in the day. However, I consider myself like Jean Valjean than like a common thief.
The problem I have is this: I'm paired up with a novice. This novice is slowing me down. This person means well but can't seem to understand that you need to be quick and can't be weighed down by extraneous crap. This person carries their entire apt with them and it takes them forever to get ready. Timing is important and I hate the fact that this person is dragging me down.
Last week, I was with another ninja. We made a great team. This week, I'm with a FNG and i think this person is going to get me killed.
Does ninja mean Asian?
And the only difference between Jean Valjean and other thiefs is that he sings when he has remorse. do you do the same?
I am compromised by the FNG. I'm annoyed.
You should put him in his place. Just say, "Be like me."
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