I have an irrational fear of the UN. Well...actually, I don't fear the organization but rather I fear the area near the UN building.

Whenever I'm walking near the UN building, I have this fear that one of the diplomats driving one of those fancy cars will run me over. And since they have diplomatic immunity, I believe I have limited legal recourse. I remember from that compelling documentary called "Lethal Weapon 2" that diplomats can do anything and get away with it. One of the actors...erm I mean diplomats said that the police can't even give him a parking ticket.

So when I see black Mercedes with tinted windows, I run the other way.
Why is the guy shooting a piece of crap. Oh....I get it. Superman twisted the barrel. Poignant.
I've never been to the U.N. building myself. I'm a terrible tourist.
See, that's what i was talking about when i made my case to David with regards to traveling.
Have you seen the Statue of Liberty? Did you go to the top of the Empire State Building? You gotta do those things. As soon as my headache clears up, I'm going to go take the UN tour. You think I could meet Ban Ki Moon?
You should wear a shirt with his face on it. Do it. I dare you.
And tell him how much you love Rain.
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