Sunday, September 17, 2006

Smoking question....again

(Pink - Every girl's role model)

The television at the local grocery store was playing an anti-smoking ad when the guy next to me said in a smug manner, "I don't know why the hell they're trying to stop me from doing what I want. It's my body and if I want to smoke it away, I should be able to. It's my right."

I just smiled back.

Smiling has become my gesture of choice (or rather reflex) these days because I don't feel much like arguing with people.

However, what I really wanted to say is, "Hey fuckface, usually I wouldn't give a rat's ass about what you do to yourself. I agree that if you want to smoke yourself to oblivion, it can be your choice. But the reason they're running these ads is because your sorry ass is going to cost America and me $157 BILLION dollars a year treating you when you get sick. If you can promise me that when you do get sick, you'll just bury yourself alive in an unmarked grave so it'll save me some money, then I'll be the first to write my congressman to stop running those fucking ads."

But, I didn't say those things and I just get smiling back.

One of these days though...

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