I hate watching news.
However, sometimes I can't avoid it because when I'm flipping through the channels, I inevitably come to the foul newschannel called CNN. Then, my morbid curiosity forces me to watch.
The other day, I saw our beloved leader, George "W stands for Freedom" Bush, give a speech about nothing.
Karl Rove's game plan is in full swing once again.
I am surprised that people are still surprised by the administration's tactics. You knew that Rove was going to move those high profile prisoners to Git-mo. You knew the GOP was going to use security as a midterm election issue. You knew Bush was so ignorant that he thought previous incarnations of the electric car did not exist.
Here's what he said on July 27th 2006:
"We're working on battery technologies," Bush said in Washington at a speech to the National Association of Manufacturers. "They say we're pretty close to a breakthrough in a battery where you can drive the first 40 miles on a battery, and your car doesn't look like a golf cart."
Obviously, he has never heard of this.

I'm fascinated and frustrated by politics. I'm in awe of sleazy manipulations and intricate word games that are often associated with politics. If politics had no effect on real life, I could say it's fun to watch. However, politics affects us in more ways than one and so it makes me sad.
Political Paradox
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