Full article here
So basically, Bush is telling us that he is either a) ignorant about what is going on with his staff and country or b) he is lying to everyone.
I personally think he's lying his head off. I'm just apalled by this. This is ridiculous.
Bush's Jesus quest seems to include either burying his head in the sand or lying to everyone for the "good of the country" and for Jesus.
This is why we have to keep Church and State separate folks. If you don't have that, you get places like Iran. Right wing dumbfucks can't seem to understand that. Why can't the armpit* of America understand this?
*armpit refers to flyover states
Friday, September 22, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Smoking question....again
The television at the local grocery store was playing an anti-smoking ad when the guy next to me said in a smug manner, "I don't know why the hell they're trying to stop me from doing what I want. It's my body and if I want to smoke it away, I should be able to. It's my right."
I just smiled back.
Smiling has become my gesture of choice (or rather reflex) these days because I don't feel much like arguing with people.
However, what I really wanted to say is, "Hey fuckface, usually I wouldn't give a rat's ass about what you do to yourself. I agree that if you want to smoke yourself to oblivion, it can be your choice. But the reason they're running these ads is because your sorry ass is going to cost America and me $157 BILLION dollars a year treating you when you get sick. If you can promise me that when you do get sick, you'll just bury yourself alive in an unmarked grave so it'll save me some money, then I'll be the first to write my congressman to stop running those fucking ads."
But, I didn't say those things and I just get smiling back.
One of these days though...
Friday, September 15, 2006
Pope vs the world, Part 3

Give me a break.
I don't give a shit about either religious group but I have seen plenty of so called "leading" Muslim clerics talk shit about every other fucking country and race and I haven't heard any apologies.
All these religious nuts in all countries need to calm the fuck down. They're all going to hell or some form of shitty afterlife anyway so they might as well enjoy life on Earth while it lasts.
They should try to make the world a better place instead of getting worked up about nothing.
Cletus was right. We should stop all this "fussin' and a feudin'".
Monday, September 11, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Remember quid pro quo?

I hate watching news.
However, sometimes I can't avoid it because when I'm flipping through the channels, I inevitably come to the foul newschannel called CNN. Then, my morbid curiosity forces me to watch.
The other day, I saw our beloved leader, George "W stands for Freedom" Bush, give a speech about nothing.
Karl Rove's game plan is in full swing once again.
I am surprised that people are still surprised by the administration's tactics. You knew that Rove was going to move those high profile prisoners to Git-mo. You knew the GOP was going to use security as a midterm election issue. You knew Bush was so ignorant that he thought previous incarnations of the electric car did not exist.
Here's what he said on July 27th 2006:
"We're working on battery technologies," Bush said in Washington at a speech to the National Association of Manufacturers. "They say we're pretty close to a breakthrough in a battery where you can drive the first 40 miles on a battery, and your car doesn't look like a golf cart."
Obviously, he has never heard of this.

I'm fascinated and frustrated by politics. I'm in awe of sleazy manipulations and intricate word games that are often associated with politics. If politics had no effect on real life, I could say it's fun to watch. However, politics affects us in more ways than one and so it makes me sad.
Political Paradox
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
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