(Harry is a Pervert.)
It is rare to be part of or experience literary history. I feel fortunate to be living during the time of Harry Potter. Book 7 will end the series and I hope it'll end well. There are, of course, speculations floating around regarding the possible deaths in this final volume.
Here is my take:
Hermione: Lives to become a Hogwarts teacher. Her life will be saved by Ron in an amazing selfless act. She will love him forever.
Snape: Dies. He will sacrifice himself to save Harry and help him destroy Voldemort. Although Harry's existence is a constant daily reminder of his love for Lilly that was never fulfilled, he will realize that he must avenge Lilly's death. He must also atone for his mistake of joining the Deatheaters. Snape’s precious second chance in life given to him by Dumbledore will be used to stop Voldy and save Harry.
Hagrid: Will live and lead Grawp in a battle against the death eaters. He will get married to Maxime.
Lupin: Lives. Will have a final confrontation with Greyback and kill him. They will fight in their animal form. Will save Tonk’s life. Will marry and love Tonks and have many hybrid kids.
Arthur: Will live and FINALLY become Minister of Magic. His love for Muggle products will allow him to become an expert in muggle affairs and will become a liaison between the two worlds. A perfect Minister of Magic.
Molly: Will live and become a proud mother-in-law of Hermione. She and her family will move on up to the east side.
Twins: Both Live and the joke shop will be an incredible success, not because of the joke goodies, but because their inventions will be critical tools/weapons against the death eaters for the young freedom fighters. Their inventions, although seemingly silly, will be used in clever ways against the death eaters.
Ginny: Will live, performing brilliantly against the deatheaters and will find love with Harry. Again, her love for Harry will push herself to sacrifice herself in someway to allow Harry to get closer to Voldy. Will be wounded but will live.
Percy: Will die after joining the deatheaters. His need for power will blindly lead him toward that path. His longly for absolute power will corrupt him absolutely. He will be fatally wounded and see the light before a dramatic death in the arms of Arthur.
Charlie: Will live. Will become a rich success.
Bill and Fleur: Both will live. Will have many kids. They will have a small cottage and live a simple life.
Lucius: Lives. Spends the rest of his life in Azkaban.
Bellatrix: Will LIVE. Continuing with the theme of protecting the innocence of children, she will be confronted by Neville and lose in a battle. Neville will be faced with the choice of killing the woman who tortured his parents or allowing her to live. He will choose mercy and have her spend the rest of her life in Azkaban. That is true power.
Draco: He will definitely live. His death would mean that Dumbledore and Snape's sacrifice would have been in vain. Dumbledore did not want the blood on Draco's hand and destroy the innocence of a child. There would be no turning back from the path of evil and destruction if Draco had killed Dumbledore. Dumbledore's plea to have Snape do the deed was the last attempt to save Draco's life. I also think that Snape's life in the past was also saved in a similar fashion. I think Snape was given a task to do a horrible deed and fall into the path of darkness. I think Dumbledore saved Snape from that in a kind of parallel/history repeats itself type of fashion.
Petter Petigrew: Lives to spend life in Azkaban (although death eaters will no longer be there). He will betray Voldemort by leaking information, at which point he will have no allies on either camp.
McGonogall: Will live to run Hogwarts.
Neville: Will live and fight brilliantly against Bellatrix. He will spare her life. Mercy is a great power. Will marry Fleur’s younger sister.
Ron: Lives but will be critically wounded. His sacrifice will allow Harry to get closer to Voldemort and the final battle. Will also sacrifice himself for Hermione and save her life. This will seal the deal and the R/Hr ship will finally go on that cruise.
Luna: Will live and become a brilliant Auror. Her dad’s paper will rise to become THE paper of the wizarding world.
Voldemort: Will die not by conventional clichéd means like wand/magic battle as Rowling deceptively “hinted” in book 4 (Harry vs. Voldy) or book 5 (Dumble vs. Voldy). It will be an act of irony that will end his life. His inability to love will be his demise.
Harry: He will live because if the books are about good and evil, an ambiguous ending where both Harry and Voldy dies would be meaningless. Good will triumph. He will get the girl…sort of (ie Ginny).
The only thing remaining at the end of book 7 of Voldemort’s mark on the wizarding world will be Harry’s SCAR. (That’s how I see the book ending)
I suspect Jo will leave many unanswered questions by the end of 7.
I also don’t think Jo will throw around “death” as a solution to many of the baddies. Death of this person and that person in book 7 will start to become meaningless and the impact on the reader will diminish as the story continues. Therefore, I believe there will be a few deaths that are key, such as Voldy, Snape and Percy. Beyond that, I don’t see others really dying. Also, killing someone is a big deal. I just don’t see how Jo could allow any of the kids to kill some being and then allow them to live happily ever after without repercussions. Evil characters in the book may be able to do so, but I just don’t see how someone like Neville can kill and then be on his merry way. I also don’t think revenge is a message Jo is trying to convey.
I hope that the final book is 5000 pages.
1 comment:
That's actually an excellent point!
And Harry can't die. If he did, the books are dead for future generations. Besides, he's got Ginny now.
The most surprising revelation so far has been the fact that Lupin is a total playa and a pimp. Way to go in picking up a girl half his age.
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