(Illustration of the Vampire Gauntlet)
Vampires have descended upon our trade school. These vampiros harvest blood for their demonic purposes (ie. saving people's lives) every other month. They are known to some as the RED CROSS volunteers but I call them Blood-Sucking-Leech-Demons-of-Satan-Hoard.
I am amazed at their strategy for harvesting life juice from unsuspecting students. They use superior techniques such as guilt and peer pressure to cajole you into sitting in their sadistic makeshift bloodsucking chairs.
They also create a gauntlet of some sort to funnel all the people into their blood sucking scheme/machine. I tried to illustrate their setup in in the picture above. Essentially, they MAKE you walk through their gauntlet if you want to get across the lounge/open area. I wanted to get to the cafeteria to buy some food but the only way i could get there was to run through this trap.
While walking through the gauntlet, they throw everything at you: guilt, peer pressure, sweet talk, threats, etc. I keep my eyes on the prize though. I look straight at the entrance to the cafetorium, speed walk toward the goal, and never look back. Of course, when you want to leave, you have to go through it AGAIN so you have to keep your guard up constantly.
Vampires have descended upon our trade school. These vampiros harvest blood for their demonic purposes (ie. saving people's lives) every other month. They are known to some as the RED CROSS volunteers but I call them Blood-Sucking-Leech-Demons-of-Satan-Hoard.
I am amazed at their strategy for harvesting life juice from unsuspecting students. They use superior techniques such as guilt and peer pressure to cajole you into sitting in their sadistic makeshift bloodsucking chairs.
They also create a gauntlet of some sort to funnel all the people into their blood sucking scheme/machine. I tried to illustrate their setup in in the picture above. Essentially, they MAKE you walk through their gauntlet if you want to get across the lounge/open area. I wanted to get to the cafeteria to buy some food but the only way i could get there was to run through this trap.
While walking through the gauntlet, they throw everything at you: guilt, peer pressure, sweet talk, threats, etc. I keep my eyes on the prize though. I look straight at the entrance to the cafetorium, speed walk toward the goal, and never look back. Of course, when you want to leave, you have to go through it AGAIN so you have to keep your guard up constantly.
In any case, I survived the guantlet today. But since they're here all week, it's going to be a tough fight.
Now, I understand the need for blood. In fact, our national blood supply is dangerously low. We can't stockpile blood so we need to constantly ask for donations. If you would like to help, please visit the RED CROSS website to find out what you can do to save lives.
God bless.
Nerd? It's nerdy to give blood? You're not making sense. For SHAME!! I merely explained their clever tactic with facts. At one point they were trying to summon a Balrog but I used Word of Faith to counter. It was bloody close.
For you Frylok, you would get a "Cha +4" T-shirt. In fact, I think they'd throw in a free Ring of Regen +4 with it.
Jeff gets nothing since clearly he is an undead from the depths of Aribeth's hell.
Now THAT's nerdastic.
I believe if you say that you have lived in England during a certain time period, they won't let you give blood. Prion scare and all that.
-The more you know
Terrible. Just terrible.
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