"End the war!"
"Impeach BUSH!"
"What me worry?!?"
These are the chants echoing throughout the streets of Lower Manhattan today. I am amazed that these people are here. I am amazed because I thought it was supposed to be the Anti-immigration reform rally today. I was expecting to hear "Viva Mexico!" and see Mexican flags all over the streets.
Note to the immigration protestors: It's not a good idea to show nationalistic pride of another country when you're trying to win the hearts and minds of Americans. That is not a great strategy. In Los Angeles, Cardinal Mahoney had to tell the crowd this observation. The protestors did a better job the second time around...but some of the activists wore American flags on their mouths like bank robbers of the Old West and made hand gestures that suggested they were shooting something. Not good either.
I respect the right to protest in the streets. I believe one of the think tanks in the United States use the frequency of demonstrations as a factor in rating how healthy a democracy is in a country.
However, I do not agree with the sentiments of the people protesting against the war today. Don't get me wrong, I think it's important that we get out of Iraq as quickly as possible. But pulling troops now would be foolish and I think most sane people would agree. And when you hear these well meaning liberals shout slogans like, "Bring them home now", they just look idiotic and I don't think it really helps the cause. I think it just reinforces the crazy stereotypes of liberals and entrench the conservative stance.
I also don't know what these people are worried about. Jesus is on our side...right?...unless you're an American muslim soldier or some a believer of another religion. Don't worry, God loves America...or was that Jesus? Hmm...we're fucked aren't we?
On a happier note, Mexico is looking to legalize pot, cocaine, and heroin. This is not that much of a surprise. Smart move Mr. Fox. I'm sure congress is now really enthusiastic about allowing illegal immigrants to cross the border. Great way to win the hearts and minds of conservative American law makers.
Although....the term conservative seems to be synonymous with corrupt these days so anything can happen.
-Viva Puerto Rico (aka America)
Well, Bush's economic policies may not reflect the conservative movement in some aspects but if there are liberal and conservative camps on social issues, he's clearly conservative. I don't see many libs going on Crusades these days.
So suck it!!
BTW, San Diego mayor was on TV shitting in his pants about the Mexico thing. He was litterally shitting on the newsdesk. I was going to draw it but I restrained myself.
After all, this is a family blog.
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