Sleep 1 hour, then work for an hour, sleep 2 hours, work for an hour, sleep 30 minutes, work for an hour, sleep 2 hours, work for 3 hours. This was my night. Last month was a nightmare because I was working really really long hours weekly. I did a lot of overnights and it was very tough. Now I'm strictly nights. This fucks me up even more. I am like a zombie. I don't know what the hell i'm doing half the time. I worked this morning...and now I have to work again tonight. Night shift is a weird thing. I am consistently tired, which does not help my current emotional state which I think can best be described as dysthymic.
What can I do to break out of this funktastic streak? You tell me. I'm really stressed out. I'm studying and working, studying and working. This was my life for the last few decades and it seems to be continuing. I suppose I should be thankful but when you're tired as I am, you just don't care.
When will I get my break? When will it be my time? Help me superman!
I think Armani Exchange is exploiting you. You need to work at American Apparel. No sweatshop labor. Just tons of sexual harrassment.
But you can deal with that. Remember your elementary school.
This may sound bad but right now, I would take sexual harrassment over lack of sleep.
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