I have neglected this blog again. I need to start writing again. I hope that this blog survives for many years because it has been a great way to chronicle my life. I look back at the crap I wrote and it's really amusing. It seems like my life is hard (it is).
It has been a loooooong 9 months. If I can sum up the last 9 months in one word, it would have to be.... "disappointing." Career-wise, I am where I am expected to be. It's neither fantastic nor terrible. It's a job that I go to every morning and I am tired by the day's end. I get paid every month and I'm thankful. Personal life though is pretty much non-existent while working. I go out from time to time but I feel like I'm not building the kind of friendships I am used to with the close friends I have now. It's like college all over again. I never really had friends wanting to go into this industry and now that i'm part of it, I still find the people …incompatible.
I am hoping for some excitement in life. I'm not sure how to achieve this. Actually, I don’t need excitement. I just need direction and goal. Perhaps I should start behaving differently? Should I do things I wouldn't normally do?
I have sent my passport to get it renewed. Perhaps when it comes back to me, I will take a trip. Perhaps, I will find something interesting in a foreign land. I don’t know. I’m pretty fucking tired right now.
I do like writing here though. It relieves a bit of the stress.