She's probably thinking, "ugh, I hate these coworkers and I hate the fucking bus"
There are positives and negatives to each method of people moving. However, for me, driving wins by a hair.
Time was a big factor in coming to this conclusion. It just takes too much fucking time to go from one place to another. Even within Manhattan, I think I could get to most places faster if I pulled the car out of the garage and drove there. It takes me 1.5 hours to go 30 blocks using public transportation whereas even in moderate traffic, I can be at the destination in 40 minutes. Of course, it'll cost more but if time is indeed priceless, then..well..there ya go.
I think people also forget that it takes time to walk to the station, transfer trains, walk to the building, etc. They see the time schedule on a train or a bus and think, "oh, it's a 35 minute train ride" or "it's on a 15 minute bus ride". They fail to realize that they need to be at the bus or train stop 5 minutes before it arrives, you may have to take another public transportation to get to said train stop, and you may have to even walk a few blocks before and after the train ride. Also, even if you get to the stops in time, the buses or trains may be late or they may be full so you have to wait for another one.
Take for example my morning public transportation commute the other day. I woke up at 6am to get ready and to catch the 7 o'clock bus ride to the train station. I have to leave at 6:45 to walk to the bus stop. It takes about 30 minutes (if you're lucky and you don't have handicapped riders) to get to the station. Then, I wait anywhere between 5-20 minutes for the train (depends on whether I catch the 7:40 or the 7:51 train. The train ride is only 35 minutes. Then I have to swtich to the subway, which takes 15 minutes to my actual destination. After that, it's a "short" 8 minute walk to my destination. From door to door, that was about 1 hour and 40 minutes.
When I drive to the same destination, it takes me 35 minutes total with light traffic and 1 hour and 10 minutes with traffic, door to door.
Public transportation frees you from the stresses of driving and you don't have to spend money on gas. However, taking PT is not without stresses of it's own.
It sucks when the bus or train is late. It sucks when you're trying to take those buses or trains during rush hour because you may not get a seat and you have to stand shoulder to shoulder or smelly body to smelly body with everyone for 35 to 40 minutes. It sucks when people are in your way taking up the entire walkway or staircase when you have a train or bus to catch. Not only that, the "convenience" of public transportation ends at watery border of Manhattan. Beyond that, you're on your own. All of these little things can piss you off.
Because of this hassle, many people take cabs in the city. But I don't know if they count as public transportation. With tips and tolls, I don't know how much you're saving in the end.
I have to start commuting to work next month. Let us see if I maintain this position. Before coming here, I was ready to give up driving forever and embrace the supposed greatness of public transportation. Now that I've experienced both, I'm leaning back toward driving myself to places.
I agree with everything on that list
* Sent via BlackBerry *
1 comment:
I get it. You're trying to prove that no one should pick NYC as their permanent home.
How long does it take to find parking in the city? And is parking always readily available.
I wouldn't mind driving if I didn't have to park my own car.
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