Wednesday, April 22, 2009


One of our patrons took the nastiest explosive diarrhea on the middle of the floor. It flew EVERYWHERE. The smell was so bad that everyone in the room projectile vomited EVERYWHERE. Yeah, it was one of those days. The smell was overwhelming. I felt very thankful I was not the janitor for the day.

My immediate supervisor asked me why I came in late today. I was very close to kicking his ass and dragging his ugly face over to the shattened floor and rub his mug all over said bowel movement. Fucking cocksucker. I was there early and I finished my work before this prick came in this morning.

If you're wondering where the word "shattened" came from, ask the dude from the Bronx. He'll tells ya. He'll axe you why you're axing him though.

* Sent via BlackBerry *

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Axe" with an "e"? Is this the proper British Spelling? This Bronx guy must be a Linguist.

And regarding "The Shattening," did the patron warn anyone that it was coming? If he did, I hoped he did so in a cryptic, Da Vinci Code style.

It comes from beneath and will swallow you whole. The "HITS" are coming. The "HITS!"d