Thursday, February 26, 2009
Watup Yo?
Excerpt from the book I'm reading:
"Providers should refrain from using slang themselves to appear "hip" because the person may be offended and unclear about the provider's intent. A basic knowledge of current slang phrases may be useful, however, when communicating with young people."
Word to your mother
I thought it was funny because it reminded me of this:
* Sent via BlackBerry *
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Morons are writing on the internetz that there are many alternatives to the Kindle. They are wrong. There are very few. At the top of my head, I could name two or three other major players that provide good quality consumer e-readers.
These same morons continue to cite the Iphone as a great alternative to the Amazon or Sony e-reader. They also state that most multimedia phones including the blackberry, treo, etc. are other ways people can read books without getting a device like the Kindle.
Let me tell you that these devices are NOT great alternatives to a Kindle or the Sony E-reader because of eye strain. These fuckfaces can't seem to understand that one of the reasons E-ink was created was because people had difficult time reading novels for hours and hours on a display like the Iphone. Sure, iphones are great for reading emails, surfing the web, etc but if you try to read for 2-3 hours on the iphone everyday like you would a paper novel, I guarantee your eyes will be fucked.
I have a blackberry. I love the damn thing. I read and write pages and pages of email everyday. I also surf the web constantly. However, I would never use the fucking thing to read my stories. It's too painful. I have tried to do it but it really messed me up. I was on the plane reading a book for 5 hours on my blackberry and at the end of that trip, I thought I was going to go blind.
One can use almost any type of display for reading E-books. That doesn't mean that they're all great alternatives to the Kindle or Sony. And just because the iphone e-reader has "cool"/douche effects like "page turning animation", it doesn't mean that it rocks the shiznit.
So suck on it.
Coming soon: My Blog Post on Why I Hate Everyone.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
GOP: Attack of the Revenge of the Sith Demon

I posted this awhile back so I don't want to repeat my message again.
But come on. Seriously?!?! Putting these token minority reps in the spotlight as a way to fool people into thinking they are relevant in this day and age is really stupid. Instead of changing their failed social and economic policies to adapt to the modern age, they just replace the facade of the party with token minorities.
GOP is scum.
Oh, and you know the GOP is up to date with the realities of the modern world by using the phrase "coming out party" for this event. Way to go.
Happy Mardi Gras everyone.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Cash Cab
I've noticed that the questions are much harder for passengers who admit they watch the show. I think the best strategy is to feign incredulity if you get picked up by Ben Bailey.
Also, from Wikipedia:
"Near the end of the game player's destination Ben Bailey appears to present the cash won. In reality, this cash is a prop and used for on-air purposes only. The winnings must be taxed and are sent via check."
I'm so disillusioned...
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
It's Snowing Again!
Ah nuts. It's snowing again. My car must be covered in that crap. I thought winter was over.
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Shut your pie hole
Here is another installment of "Shut your pie hole". Today, we tackle the retards complaining about Kindle 2.
I have read several criticisms of the device and I will admit, some do have good points. However, there are many people that complain about two things about the device over and over again. The two things are:
1) Too expensive
2) It doesn't use color E-ink
These people are fucking morons. These people are complaining that the $360 price tag is too expensive. I too think it's a bit pricey for what it is, although all e readers are at this price point right now. But here is the retarded part.
Although they complain about the price, they feel that Amazon should have incorporated the color e-ink like the upcoming Fujitsu e-reader.
Let me get this straight, you're bitching about the price and yet you want brand new technology. What these cocksuckers do not seem to realize is that the Fujitsu reader will be selling at $1000 price point. That's right, one fucking grand. So, let's see, should amazon wait to utilize the color eink technology on the new kindle? Should they start selling a fucking ereader for $1000? Are you out of your fucking mind?
I too am frustrated by the slow progress of technology. I want 4G everywhere including underground and underwater. I want to be able to surf the fucking web 1 mile underwater in a submarine. Hell, I am pretty much done with the retarded Wifi concept. I realized how much I hated wifi while traveling for my interviews. It's fucking archaic and really inconvenient. I also want OLEDs to enter mainstream
But I also recognize that these are expensive things that the US cannot adapt quickly. These so called proessional reviewers should take into account the reality of economics and shut their pie hole.
I have read several criticisms of the device and I will admit, some do have good points. However, there are many people that complain about two things about the device over and over again. The two things are:
1) Too expensive
2) It doesn't use color E-ink
These people are fucking morons. These people are complaining that the $360 price tag is too expensive. I too think it's a bit pricey for what it is, although all e readers are at this price point right now. But here is the retarded part.
Although they complain about the price, they feel that Amazon should have incorporated the color e-ink like the upcoming Fujitsu e-reader.
Let me get this straight, you're bitching about the price and yet you want brand new technology. What these cocksuckers do not seem to realize is that the Fujitsu reader will be selling at $1000 price point. That's right, one fucking grand. So, let's see, should amazon wait to utilize the color eink technology on the new kindle? Should they start selling a fucking ereader for $1000? Are you out of your fucking mind?
I too am frustrated by the slow progress of technology. I want 4G everywhere including underground and underwater. I want to be able to surf the fucking web 1 mile underwater in a submarine. Hell, I am pretty much done with the retarded Wifi concept. I realized how much I hated wifi while traveling for my interviews. It's fucking archaic and really inconvenient. I also want OLEDs to enter mainstream
But I also recognize that these are expensive things that the US cannot adapt quickly. These so called proessional reviewers should take into account the reality of economics and shut their pie hole.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Kindle Update 2.0
Monday, February 16, 2009
Lebron uses BB Bold...but he has a gold one.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Hilary Duff

What's the deal with Hilary Duff? Why is she on every channel? I remember when she was on Disney Channel as Lizzie Mcguire. Now she's on every basic cable channel starring in mediocre movies. Stop playing Hilary Duff movies! I want see more McAdams or Hathaway. Hell, I'd rather see more Trachtenberg. These networks need to show variety.

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Saturday, February 14, 2009
Iphone 3.0?
Friday, February 13, 2009
The Autism Cult

Court rules Autism group did not provide evidence for their claims
I feel bad for these people. Autism is a terrible disorder and I feel bad that many families have to go through the heartache of finding out that their child may have autism. However, that doesn't mean you can blame everything and everyone for the disease. Vaccines with or without thimerosal have not been proven to cause Autism. That is the state of things now.
Many of these studies the "I Hate Vaccine" group refer to have no merit. These "studies" either did not use the scientific method to conduct their studies or they are really stretching the data to fit the result they want. Here is what these Autism groups should be doing: they should take the money and figure out what causes Autism. That may help a little bit.
Do you know what these crazy studies are like? They are like the Chinese medicine studies conducted by the Chinese. If you go through the literature, the claims that Chinese "scientists" make regarding Chinese herbal medicine are pretty far fetched. Cures for cancer? Cures for asthma? Cures for insert diesease here? If these studies were true, the rate of cancer in China should be much lower than that of every other country on this Earth. That is not the case. There shouldn't be any cancer center in China at all if these claims were true.
Same goes with Korean scientists and their Kimchi claims. "Studies" have shown that eating shit loads of Kimchi prevents insert diesease here. Reputable scientists in Korea that refute these claims have been silenced by the government. Granted, the cabbage probably has properties that help the body in many ways but that's true for all fruits and vegetables.
Anyway, the point of this post is that Scientology is a cult and should be disbanded. They are absolutely insane. Also, Tom Cruise is bat shit crazy.

Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Wind
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Google Netbook

I would like to make a wish.
I wish that Google will make a "desktop" version of the Android OS and get it installed on netbooks. Instead of having these useless Linux variations on the low end netbooks, Google should team up with companies like Asus and sell these for cheap. Google already provides a big suite of Office-like programs and I really can't think of a reason why I would want to run windows on these small laptops anyway if I had a better alternative (No, linux is NOT a better alternative).
Google has a solution for all of my needs in a netbook package:
Surfing the internet : Chrome
IM: Google Talk
Word Processing: Google Docs
Email: Gmail
Calendar: Google Calendar
Storage: Gspace
I don't play games on netbooks and if Picassa isn't good enough for you, GIMP would probably be adapted for the "Google OS" or "GOS" for short.
The android on the G1 is a great first step for the company. They're starting out small and are working out the bugs. What I would like to see is just a bigger version of it officially supported on faster systems. And I want it NOW.
* Sent via ASUS EEE 901 *
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Sins of a Solar Empire

This game is interesting. It's similar to Star Wars: Empire at War. At times, I feel like I'm playing that game all over again. However, this game is much deeper. At the beginning of the game, strategy is important as your planets are extremely vulnerable. Turtling (a technique I love) is very difficult because your defenses against Capital Ships are either too weak or just too damn expensive.
The learning curve for this game is moderate to steep. Most people that have played RTS will have no problem jumping into the game and blowing away frigates. However, the research options can be overwhelming. Fighting off Hard setting opponents can be a big challenge. If they reach your home planet with their cruisers and capital ships, you're toast. Also, you have to take great care in expanding your empire. In my first game, I tried to capture as many planets as possible but then I got smoked because the defenses for these planets were pretty shitty. Also, because of the size of the battlefield, you can just go around enemy planets and not fight the defenses at all.
Another component of the game that is interesting is the phase jump. In order for you to get to another planet, you have to initiate the phase jump sequence on your ships. This is done automatically. However, there is a wait time before you can jump. During this wait, you're a sitting duck.
I just started the 100 planet scenario. I've been playing for 5 hours and I have yet to confront the main fleet of my opponents. I have a feeling the first battle will be ugly.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Why I love Kindle...
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Why I hate TV news.

Teen Lured to Puerto Rico
Before I begin, let me just say that Fox News is probably one of the worst news organization on the face of the earth. They are probably just as bad or worse than Al Jazeera. In fact, Fox News is America's version of Al Jazeera. Fucking retards.
Anyway, some girl in MI was apparently "lured" to Puerto Rico. The first thing various news organizations brought up with regards to this situtation was, "Was Xbox to blame for this teen's disappearance?"
Are they fucking serious? Why is it that the first thing these news outlets bring up is a form of communication as the cause of society's woes?
Was the teen emotionally or psychologically stable? The family mentioned that the girl was recently dropped from the local boxing program because she had orthodontic braces and that she may have wanted to box in Puerto Rico. Instead of exploring this issue and other emotional problems this teen may have had, Xbox came to the forefront of discussion.
Amish electric heater

I saw this commercial on TV yesterday. The selling point of this thing is that it's built by the Amish.
Amish are not supposed to use power-line electricity right? How could they make this? Do they make it and not test it? What is the deal? Are they not spitting in the face of God as they build these modern contraptions? I'm confused. Are they going to burn in hell? Does hell look like the simulated fake flames of the Heat Surge?
What's also interesting is that in the commerical, one of the Amish technicians used the battery operated remote control to turn on and test the unit. Is he going to burn in Heat Surge hell for doing that for a living? I also read that someone saw a "Made in China" label on the non-cabinet portion of the heater (the actually heating assembly). I didn't know there were Chinese Amish (or is it Amish Chinese?) building these things too.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Like I Said...
Daschle withdraws.
Look at this asshole. He cheated on his taxes. This is why we need to clean house. All of these lifelong politicans need to go home. The only "experience" they acquire while serving these long ass terms is finding loopholes in the system and exploiting them for their own benefit. This asshole should never be able get a government job again.
I seriously think they should go over the books of EVERY representative in the house and senate. I'll bet half these fuckers are cheating on their taxes. What a scam.
I really like this music. I hope they use it for the Live Action movie.
Monday, February 02, 2009
Subway: Eat Fresh
Does this sandwich look appetizing to you? This is a Subway Club sandwich on Roasted Garlic bun.
It certainly doesn't look like the sandwich on the TV commercial...
* Sent via BlackBerry *Sunday, February 01, 2009
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