Retarded. My microSD card crashed/died/got-jacked/etc and I lost everything I had for my Tytn. Actually, I almost lost everything.
Fortunately, File Scavenger recovered all of my files. All 4 gigs of it. It did it perfectly. Kudos to that software. I don't know if it's the best out there but it worked for me.
File Scavenger
There was still a problem though. I couldn't reformat the damn thing. Something was really wrong with it. I tried EVERYTHING on my PC to get that damn thing to format. It didn't work. I tried every commercial program available.
Fortunately for me, I remembered how awesome my digital camera was. I popped that sucker in an SD adapter and with a few adjustments, I was able to format that microSD back to normal. Huzzay for robust Digicam software/firmware! (BTW, I have a Casio Exilim s-770.)
Casio FTW.
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