Patches and upgrades are the most annoying shit on the planet.
Why are the patch upgrades not readily accessible? I REALLY REALLY HATE going through hoops to download the fucking thing. EA has their Crysis website but no direct link to their patches. I don't give a shit about their fancy flash intro. I don't give a flying fuck about "origin" of the hero or whatever the hell their selling. I don't want no wallpaper or some other "graphic bonus extra". I don't want to know about your "modular tacticle exoskeleton." Just give me the fucking patch. There should be a big button on the front of EA crysis page that says, upgrade patch. When you click on it, you shouldn't be taken to another fucking page to wade through another set of bullshit just to download fixes to your fucking game. You should automatically get a download prompt that allows you to download the God-forsaken patch. After you download, there should be a little message that says, "I'm sorry we suck so hard that we have to patch the fucking game every other week to that you can play it with some stability." EA support page? Why do i have to go there? LINK YOUR PATCHES ON THE FRONT PAGE YOU ASSHOLES! STOP WASTING MY FUCKING TIME. They should stop wasting their money on front page flash intro that I always skip. Just put the links right in my face. Fuck you game publishers. And this kind of shit isn't just for Crysis. It's every other fucking PC game out there. Try finding shit for Neverwinter Nights 2 on the Bioware site. Of course, NWN2 was created by Oblivion dudes so although the forum is on bioware site, the patch is on the other....blah blah blah. This is how retarded it is.
People wonder why microsoft gets such a bad wrap. I'll tell you why. Microsoft has become a big retarded mess. Have you visited their "download center"? It takes an hour to wade through that shit just to get the right update. There was a "required" update to my OS and i was taken there by my computer through some magical process. I started to follow the directions (click here, click there, validate this, validate that). I went through all of this shit just so that i could get a screen saying my genuine advantage validation tool, which I just downloaded because they forwarded me to a webpage telling me to do it, is out of date. Long story short, it turns out the webpage, when linked from another outdated page directs you to an older version of this intrusive piece of shit validation tool to supposedly "fight piracy". I am so fed up with this shit that I think I'll start pirating software because it's EASIER to use since everything is cracked and I don't have to go through hoops to use the fucking software!! You wonder why people pirate shit Microsoft? I'll bet half the people pirate because they don't want to pay for it and half the people do it so they don't have to constantly waste time validating this and that everytime they want to use software they purchased legitimately.
Here's my solution Microsoft. Make all of your products free for 5 years until the next big update after Windows 7. Clean up the websites. Streamline. Find ways of cutting shit down to the minimum. Start over with Windows 8 Extreme or whatever the hell you want to call it. Just stop this insanity.