There are new episodes of I Love Lucy on network TV!
Well...actually, they're not NEW episodes per se but rather they're re-edited versions of I Love Lucy with extra scenes added. You see, for 20 years or so, I Love Lucy episodes have been butchered on network TV so that they can sell more commercial time. Recently however, with the release of all seasons of I Love Lucy on DVD, networks have decided that the old edited version of I Love Lucy wasn't "cutting it". So, they re-cut and retooled the episodes so that more of the hilarious original scenes were included in each masterpiece.
In the 50s, Lucy fans were treated each week to half an hour of the best variety show man has ever known. In fact, I remember reading in the Bible that Jesus was a I Love Lucy fan. Now, with the re-edits, a new generation can experience I Love Lucy again. Though I have all the DVDs, I still enjoy watching the episodes on television and watching the antics of the red-headed genius with my fellow fans all over the United States and world.
I still hope that maybe within the next decade, network television will show the COMPLETE uncut episodes for all to enjoy. The original episodes have little nuances that made the show even better and if people discovered those gems too, I believe that there will be more fans than ever.
Next time, maybe I'll talk about why Star Trek: TNG should come back on the air as reruns on network television...
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