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Friday, October 31, 2008
Breakfast of Champions
First I'd like to point out I'm not a fan of the Lamb. I feel that lamb's gamey experience just doesn't do it for me. Having said that, I couldn't believe how much I enjoyed my lamb döner kebap this morning. I went to Sahara Grill to get my usual chicken döner kebap on pita but because I had arrived early, the chicken was not ready. The owner (a very nice Turkish man btw) shaved a few pieces of lamb telling me that I needed to "broaden my horizons". I reluctantly took the pieces and tasted it. It was delicious. It was still a bit gamey but the other flavors more than made up for it. I told him I was sold and ordered one. I inhaled my breakfast döner kebap smothered in yogurt sauce and went on my merry way.
Rachel Ray is here. Let us rejoice.
It turns out Rachel Ray is filmed near the apt. Actually, I don't even know if that show is still on. And I'm not a fan...
Um..that is all.
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Thursday, October 30, 2008
"Use Your Brain, Vote For McCain"
These people are supporting John McCain. This picture was taken at Times Square in New York City. They were chanting "Use your brain! Vote for McCain!" They held up the New York State Flag, American flag and the flag of Israel. When these people continued to chant their catchy phrase, an Obama group formed out of nowhere and started their chants of support for Obama.
It was interesting because McCain's group was right in the middle of the square near the police station and they were flanked on both sides of the street by an impromptu gathering of Obama supporters. A shouting match began and it was hilarious. One old lady started to explain to people why Palin was a great candidate. I'm sorry to say this but she was absolutely retarded. I feel bad for Republicans because of these morons. Actually, I don't feel bad because Republicans made a pact with Satan. How do I know this? Satan told me so.
In any case, I thank both sides for an amusing night.
It was interesting because McCain's group was right in the middle of the square near the police station and they were flanked on both sides of the street by an impromptu gathering of Obama supporters. A shouting match began and it was hilarious. One old lady started to explain to people why Palin was a great candidate. I'm sorry to say this but she was absolutely retarded. I feel bad for Republicans because of these morons. Actually, I don't feel bad because Republicans made a pact with Satan. How do I know this? Satan told me so.
In any case, I thank both sides for an amusing night.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Obama - Where's my hoodie?
Main Street vs Wall St
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Obama Bucks....What the buck?

This was created by Diane Fedele, the president of the Republican women's club in San Bernardino County out in California. When approached for comment, this is what she said:
The use of watermelon, ribs and fried chicken was innocent, she said."If I was racist, I would have looked at it through racist eyes," she said. "I am not racist, which is why it probably didn't register."
Club member Kristina Sandoval agreed.
"None of us are racists," she said.
"Everyone eats those foods, it's not a racial thing."
They are arguing that the food depicted in that dollar were randomly chosen and has no alternate meaning. GOP is so awesome.
May they burn in hell for their lies.
May they burn in hell for their lies.
The luck continues

I believe I am currently going through a tough time in my life. Nothing has really gone my way and the weight of the world is crushing my spirit. Those who know me remember all the crap that has happened in the last few years. For those who do not know me well, I will try to give a brief recap of my life's events (the not-too-personal examples):
1) My car blew up (literally blew up causing a huge ball of fire) while it was being transported from one coast to the other. The driver of the transport was drunk, made a wrong turn and ....well, it's a long story.
2) First TV I bought in my new place was broken on arrival because the cathode tube was cut in half (i thought it was impossible but it happened)
3) My computer was crushed, rendering it useless during transport
4) My first roommate turned out to be a racist psycho.
5) Ikea ripped me off
6) I have received more wrong orders from the fast food drive thru windows than correct ones.
7) While waiting at a stop light, a kid with no license and no insurance crashed into the back of my car.
8) I was the victim of identity theft and someone spent $4000 from my checking account (money I received from student loans) in Florida.
9) and more... (I don't have my list with me)
In any case, this morning T-mobile-fuck-up was added to this list. Tmobile was supposed to send me my new phone. First of all, they sent it to the wrong address. Secondly, they sent the wrong phone. Third, now they want me to pay for the phone up front and pay for more shipping. All of this will take another week to sort out. BULLSHIT. I regret staying with Tmobile. oh well, I'll tell everyone not to go with T-mobile. Hopefully, they'll go out of business and I can switch to the other shitty network AT&T. T-mobile is now on my shit list along with Ikea.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Who will you gamble on?

It’s always interesting to hear two sides of the story. It’s provides perspective.
The question is which candidate will you gamble on? It is a gamble because I believe nothing in this world can predict how well an individual will perform as president. I believe nothing can prepare you for the position of POTUS and the responsibilities that come with this job. However, without a doubt, I believe the individual must be learned and have in their arsenal sophisticated analytical skills to properly evaluate situations presented to them and have the ability to make an educated decision to the best of his her ability. Life is not black and white and many problems do not have a perfect answer. This is why the office of POTUS is such a difficult position. Having said that, I believe both candidates are qualified for the position.
With Obama’s classical education in an internationally recognized university, I have no doubt he would be able to tackle the problems presented to him. With a good broad knowledge of the modern world and his years of service in his community, I believe that he will be able to adapt to the dynamic national and international political environment. Clearly he is gifted, as he had to work and study extremely hard to attend Harvard Law, one of the most prestigious and internationally recognized law schools in the world. I have no doubt he has a command of the language and will be able to converse and negotiate comfortably with other educated men and women around the world.
With McCain long service to this country and his years of hands on experience in politics, I have no doubt he will also be a competent leader of this nation and will be able to go toe to toe with international leaders. It is frankly shameful to question his character and his loyalty to the people of this country and I believe that his intent has always been for the good of the country. Although some of the people he had to court to win votes reflect badly on him, I still believe that when you pull the Republican machine aside, he is a decent and intelligent man.
But all of that do not matter to me at this point because my problem lies with Mrs. Palin. Although it is indeed true that one cannot judge a person’s intellectual and political prowess solely on merits written on paper, I can’t help but take a wary look at her credentials. Palin attended several community colleges with variable attendance rate. In between her attempts to receive a general studies degree, she took time off to enter beauty pagents. She did a semester here and a semester there until she finally graduated with a communications degree from University of Idaho. She seems like a decent human being with a modest knowledge base. But therein lies the problem. She IS the poster child for mediocrity. There is nothing wrong with that in the microcosm of Alaskan politics but there is no room for mediocrity on the international stage when billions of lives are at stake.
My problem is that voting for McCain\Palin duo is a big risk. He has had melanoma (please look at the statistics with regards to five year survival) and his health is not what it used to be. This is why the position of vice president comes into play much more in this election. If heaven forbid, McCain dies in office, how will Palin lead the country and the world? Picture in your mind’s eye any scenario between President Palin and say…PM Putin. Pit PM Putin, an ex KGB and former leader of one of the most powerful nations on earth against Gov. Palin, a former beauty queen and moose hunter who currently leads 675,000 citizens in Alaska. Picture in your mind’s eye dinners involving the leaders of various countries around the world and try to predict her ability to converse with them in a sophisticated manner.
Folksy talk and a simple mind may be cute for a few minutes but when millions or billions of lives are at stake, I cannot tolerate such unprofessional behavior. Just look at the devastating impact George Bush the dullard had on the world.
Americans have the unique privilege of not only electing the leader of this great nation but also a leader of the entire free world. I hope that people will take this into consideration when they vote in November.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Palin the Community College Dropout

You should read this. This is from a republican. The reason I'm telling you to read this is because she ripped off my argument. Where's ma' royalties?
Good news for McCain: His numbers are improving because people are confused by what socialism is. People don't like socialist programs like public education, social security, medicare, medicaid, firefighting, police, etc. Apparently, people don't like these things. I'm beginning to lean toward McCain right now. I think poor republicans need to be taught a lesson. When they are denied healthcare and get thrown out on their ass on the street to die in the gutter, perhaps they will start using their atrophied brain and wonder, what have I done?
Is this cruel? I mean, these people vehemently want to fuck themselves in the ass.
I have given up on these people.
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